North Dakota Society of Health-System Pharmacists

Corporate Sponsor Contract

The sponsorships and exhibit space are given on a first come, first serve basis. Please complete the contract in its entirety to guarantee inclusion in all marketing materials corresponding with your committed sponsorship. Sponsors and exhibitors are responsible for providing logos and artwork for advertisements. NDSHP reserves the right to reject any materials that they do not see fit. 

Please visit to register for this opportunity and pay online.  If needing to submit this paper form with a check, click here:

NDSHP Fall General Expo Vendor Application.pdf

Please return completed forms to:

North Dakota Society of Health-System Pharmacists

Adwoa Adjekum, Secretary/Treasurer

5250 28th Ave S #302

Fargo, ND 58104

Additional questions can be e-mailed to 

Corporate Sponsor Options

 Super Bundler: $2,250

o   Expo entrance fee

o   Expo meal sponsor

o   Home-page advertisement

o   Email blast – if an educational program advertisement, ACPE credit provided

o   Complimentary: year-long sponsor logo on our corporate sponsor tab on NDSHP website

Bundler Plus $2,000

o   Expo entrance fee

o   Email blast – if an educational program advertisement, ACPE credit

o   Complimentary: year-long sponsor logo on our corporate sponsor tab on NDSHP website

Bundler Light $1,750

o   Expo entrance fee

o   Home-page advertisement

o   Complimentary: year-long sponsor logo on our corporate business partner tab on NDSHP website

 Individual options

o   Sponsor a Networking Meeting (10 minutes at the end of the meeting dedicated to you to present on an applicable touch, and an advertisement on the meeting invitation) ($750.00)

o   Home-Page Advertisement ($500.00) 

o   Email blast to members – if an educational program advertisement ($750.00), ACPE credit provided at event

o   Expo entrance fee ($1,500.00)

o   Expo meal sponsor ($500)

o   Year-long sponsor logo on our corporate sponsor tab on NDSHP website ($250.00)

o   Custom Bundle Total: ___________________________________

  • §  (example: Expo Entrance Fee + Expo Meal Sponsor)


  •  The Expo is held on the Fall at NDSHP’s Summit. At the reverse expo, a maximum of two representatives may come from each vendor company. 
  • Advertisements on the home page of NDSHP website will be for one month, but will remain on our corporate sponsors tab on the NDSHP website throughout the year. Spots are limited for this feature, no more than two sponsors on our home page at any given time.
  • Sponsoring a networking meeting is limited to the number of meetings scheduled for that year. Discretion of NDSHP will be used to determine the meeting that will be sponsored; attempting to have a sponsor that is relevant to the topic discussed that meeting. However, we will take into account your preference. All meetings will be scheduled as a first come first serve. Sponsorships should be of educational direction.
  • NDSHP reserves the right to reject any advertisement, logo, or application that is deemed false, or is contrary to NDSHP mission and values.



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* Mandatory fields
*First name
*Last name
*Practice Site
*E-Mail Address
*Mailing Address
Company Name
First Expo Representative Full Name
Second Expo Representative Full Name
Company Website
Company Logo URL
*Amount ($USD)
 Payment frequency
If choosing to make your own custom bundle, please define this bundle here. Example: Expo Entrance Fee + Expo Meal Sponsor = $1000 + $500 =$1500
By selecting Agree, I accept and agree to the terms & conditions of this contract. The sponsorships and exhibit space are given on a first come, first serve basis. NDSHP reserves the right to reject any materials that they do not see fit.



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