What: Updates in Cardiology
Dr. Jodi DeGrote, PharmD, BCCCP
Who: Pharmacists
Where: Webinar/ND BTWAN Units
St. Alexius Bismarck – room moved due to TJC review, will need to join from your desk
Sanford Bismarck Mack Room
Sanford Fargo Broadway Medical Building 3.2
Trinity Health Minot – Suite 200
NDSU – EML 170
Updates in Cardiology FINAL Handouts.pdf
Methods to join the meeting:
1. **ND BTWAN system.
a. Joining this way would be the best - we will be able to see faces! You will be able to see the presenter, see your colleagues across the state, hear the presentation, and see the slides. All of the hospitals in ND have interactive TV hard wired into them – it is the BTWAN system and is often used for Emergency Preparedness.
b. Please see attached (ND Hosptial BTWAN Contact List) and below for the contact person in your hospital to set up this meeting up for you and also email us at admin@ndshp.org . A recurring meeting for the second Tuesday of every month can be scheduled - THIS DECEMBER MEETING is the THIRD TUESDAY due to the ASHP Midyear Meeting!
c. This is already on the calendars at the ND Department of Health. Clint's contact information at the DOH if you have any questions: edtech@nd.gov, 701-328-1331
2. Conference Call and Screen Sharing
Audio: Phone number: 605-475-3220. Access Code: 619849. Provided by Free Conference.com
Screen sharing: https://join.me/showmendshp
Please share with your colleagues that are interested in becoming NDSHP members. This is a great opportunity to "Lunch 'n Learn"!
- $10/CEU if CE credit is desired, fee is non-refundable
- If no CE credit desired, registrants can choose the “No CE credit needed” option
This program is sponsored by the North Dakota Society of Health-System Pharmacists and was initially released August 11, 2015. Attendance at the session and completion of the evaluation form will be required to receive CE credit. Universal activity number: 0047-9999-15-047-L01-P