The Expo portion will be held from 8am to 12pm and the Health-System Summit will be held from 12pm to 5pm on Thursday, October 22, 2020 virtually.
The Health-System Summit portion will provide you with information about the practice of pharmacy from across the state of North Dakota. It will feature topics pertinent to best practices and expansion of pharmacy services in the state.
Casey H. White, PharmD, MBA, BCPS, BCNSP, BCCCP, FASHP
-ASHP Board Member
ASHP’s Practice Advancement Initiative 2030
Dr. Paul Carson, MD, FACP
-Director of Antimicrobial Practice, Sanford Health
-Director of NDSU Center for Immunization Research and Education
-Professor of Practice, NDSU Department of Public Health
COVID-19: What We Know About Transmission and Prevention
Dr. Avish Nagpal, MD, FACP, MPH
-Medical Director of Infection Control and Prevention, Sanford Health
-Associate Professor of Medicine, UND
-Adjunct Faculty, NDSU
COVID-19: Therapeutics and Treatment Options
Pharmacy Panel
Mehrdad Afsharimehr, PharmD
-Altru Health System Pharmacy Ops Manager; scheduling
Kevin Kern, PharmD
-Altru Health System Clinical Coordinator; antimicrobial stewardship
Erin Navarro, PharmD
-Altru Health System Director of Pharmacy; surge planning
Carolyn Seehafer, PharmD, DPLA
-Trinity Health Director of Pharmacy
David Sperl, PharmD
-Essentia Health Pharmacy Clinical Senior Manager; flexible staffing options/clinical decision making/tele-ICU service
10-15 minute sessions followed by Q & A
The concept of the Expo provides an opportunity for you to consolidate meetings with many of the suppliers and industry sponsors you would meet with during the year to one convenient time. It also provides an opportunity for a limited number of exhibitor representatives to visit with you and other pharmacy colleagues. During the Expo, the exhibitor representatives will rotate through the virtual room, approximately every 5 minutes, where they will describe their company/products/services and provide you with materials.
Virtual Join Information for Summit Attendees:
The Zoom link and information for the Summit on 10/22/20 is:
Topic: NDSHP Virtual Summit
Time: Oct 22, 2020 12:00 PM Central Time (US and Canada)
Join Zoom Meeting
Meeting ID: 941 9216 1451
One tap mobile
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Meeting ID: 941 9216 1451
Find your local number: https://zoom.us/u/adGFRGCq58
Please log in no later than noon. When you enter the meeting, you will first be placed in a “waiting room”, and we will bring you into the meeting room shortly. Once you are admitted, you will need to click “Call using Internet Audio” or “Dial in”, depending on personal preference (“Call using Internet Audio” is recommended if you have a microphone on your computer/device).
After each presentation, you will be placed into a separate “breakout room” with other attendees during the break time, while we prepare the next speaker. Feel free to use this time to chat/network with other attendees, or make use of the break time! We will announce the exact time that the next presentation will start (usually about 10 minutes later), and will then place you back into the “main” Zoom room to view the next presentation.
In order not to distract the presenters, attendees will only be able to chat with the hosts of the meeting (NDSHP staff). We will collect any questions asked via chat, and present those questions to the presenters if there is time at the end of their presentation.
If you experience any technical issues, it is first recommended to leave/close out of the Zoom meeting, and then re-enter the meeting, or call 320-583-5233.