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Meeting ID: 853 5868 8557
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12-1 pm: Lunch
1-2 pm: Keynote Session: Dr. Jessica Louie
2-3 pm: Networking/Breakout Sessions
3-3:30 pm: AERIES Update
3:30-5 pm: NAM Report "Taking Action Against Burnout: A Systems Approach to Professional Well-Being" & Breakout Sessions
The Expo portion will be held from 8am to 12pm and the Health-System Summit will be held from 12pm to 5pm on Tuesday, October 26, 2021. Both events will be held VIRTUALLY due to the COVID-19 pandemic.
Space is extremely limited and will be on a first-come basis, so please respond quickly so that we can ensure your spot.
The Health-System Summit portion will provide you with information about the practice of pharmacy from across the state of North Dakota. It will feature topics pertinent to best practices and expansion of pharmacy services in the state.
This year's Summit will feature Dr. Jessica Louie as our Keynote speaker! The afternoon will also consist of multiple breakout sessions discussing burnout and professional well-being hosted by Dr. Anna Legreid Dopp, Senior Director of ASHP's Clinical Guidelines and Quality Improvement Center on Medication Safety and Quality.
Keynote Session (Dr. Jessica Louie)
Clearing Space for Joy in your Life: The Burnout Doctor Method
- What is burnout?
- How do I know if I'm burned out?
- My #1 tip for bringing joy into each day
- Why Work life balance is a lie
- 10 pillars to live by for daily joy
- Question and Answer Session Live!
Jessica Louie, PharmD, APh, BCCCP is the CEO of Clarify, Simplify, Align and Host of The Burnout Doctor Podcast. Dr. Louie uses her signature Burnout Doctor Method to coach burned out pharmacists & professionals to simplify because work-life balance is a LIE. Align work into your life & break free from people pleasing, perfectionism and thrive in life on YOUR TERMS. Dr. Louie is a Board-Certified Critical Care Pharmacist and Associate Professor in Los Angeles. She is also a Master-Certified KonMari Consultant.

The concept of the Expo provides an opportunity for you to consolidate meetings with many of the suppliers and industry sponsors you would meet with during the year to one convenient time. It also provides an opportunity for a limited number of exhibitor representatives to visit with you and other pharmacy colleagues. During the Expo, the exhibitor representatives will rotate through the room, approximately every 5 minutes, where they will describe their company/products/services and provide you with materials.
Questions: outreach@ndshp.org
Join Zoom Meeting
Meeting ID: 853 5868 8557
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Meeting ID: 853 5868 8557
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