North Dakota Society of Health-System Pharmacists

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  • Phase 2 Residency Match Navigation!

Phase 2 Residency Match Navigation!

  • 20 Mar 2025
  • 12:00 PM - 1:00 PM
  • Webinar, conference call


  • 0.1 CEU provided with this option This program is sponsored by the North Dakota Society of Health-System Pharmacists and was initially released December 13, 2016. Attendance at the session and completion of the evaluation form will be required to receive CE credit. Universal activity number: 0047-9999-16-037-L01-P
  • 0.1 CEU provided with this option This program is sponsored by the North Dakota Society of Health-System Pharmacists and was initially released December 13, 2016. Attendance at the session and completion of the evaluation form will be required to receive CE credit. Universal activity number: 0047-9999-16-037-L01-P
  • This option is perfect for anyone not needing CE credit, but are still participating and contributing to the meeting.


What:   Phase 2 Residency Match Navigation!

Who: Pharmacy Personnel 

Where: Webinar/Teleconference

We are planning on a successful Phase 1 Match for our region!  But we want to plan and have this meeting on our calendars just in case!  We are aware of some programs that may be entering Phase 2 of the Match, some unmatched residency candidates that may be interested in the Phase 2 Match, AND perhaps some candidates (new grads and non-traditional entrants) that may be considering entering Phase 2 on-the-fly (didn't do Phase 1, but heck, let's go for Phase 2!).  

If this is you, this meeting is for you!  Join some regional experts in navigating Phase 2 of the match.  


1. Short Review of Phase 2 process, Match Day Resources - ASHP , npf-preparation-match-phase-2-transition-guide.pdf (

2. Support for programs and residents

3. Zoom break-out rooms for 1:1 conversation/CV review/interview prep/RPD  to RPD conversations etc*

* We are looking for a few more volunteers.  If you are willing to help in the breakout rooms, please send us an email at If your program is an unmatched program after match day, please send us a note and we will help promote this to the network of members!


NDSHP is inviting you to a scheduled Zoom meeting.

Topic: Phase 2 Match - NDSHP's Zoom Meeting

Time: Mar 20, 2023 12:00 PM Central Time (US and Canada)

Join Zoom Meeting

Meeting ID: 871 1597 7905

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